The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2008

Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2008

A meeting of the Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority was called to order by President Tony Zupancich at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Barb Fivecoate, Alan Stanaway, Allen Nelson, Andrea Wilson, Bob Voss and Mary Jacobsen. Absent: None. Also present was Executive Director, Craig J. Wainio.

Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Bob Voss and supported by Barb Fivecoate to approve the minutes. Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Tony Zupancich and supported by Barb Fivecoate to approve the bills as presented. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Public Forum: None

Communication: The E.D.A. is still waiting for clarification from the City Attorney regarding implementing a project numbering system. The issue was tabled until the next meeting.

New Business: Lake Country Power: Rick Lemmons, CEO of Lake Country Power and David Rasmussen, Lake Country Power Consultant, appeared before the authority to answer any questions and to bring the authority up to date on their plans. Rick Lemmons stated that the building, which will be located on the west side of the site, will contain approx. 10,000 square feet. There will also be a lay down yard towards the NE corner of approx. 3 acres. Lake Country is working with their architects and Benchmark Engineering on the final plans however they expect some type of prefab concrete or block/brick type building. They also stated that the building would be state of the art in energy and will be environmentally friendly. Allen Nelson asked about their plans for trees in between the residential and commercial areas. Lake Country said they would remind the planners to take that into consideration. Lake Country can stay at their current location until May of 2009; however they want to be in their new location as soon as possible. Lake Country also stated that all of the proceeds received from the sale of their property is being reinvested in the new location.
Craig Wainio stated that the public hearing is set for February 19th and that the development agreement should be presented to the City Council at that time for approval.

Committee and Staff Reports: Craig Wainio shared that the Morgan Park project is coming along as planned.

New Business: Craig Wainio suggested that the E.D.A. start preliminary engineering work on the strip of land between Park Ridge and Highway 102 so that some plan for usage and the beginning engineering work would be done prior to development. 

A motion was made by Tony Zupancich and supported by Barb Fivecoate to authorize Craig Wainio to work with Benchmark on securing an estimate for the preliminary work. Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Mary Jacobsen and supported by Barb Fivecoate to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.

President Tony Zupancich adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Jacobsen, Secretary

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