Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2005
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2005
A meeting of the Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority was called to order by Larry Johnson at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Larry Johnson, Mary Jacobsen, Allen Nelson, Anthony Zupancich, Dale Irish. Also present was Craig J. Wainio.
A motion was made by Tony Zupancich and seconded by Mary Jacobsen to accept the minutes of the January 5th, 2005 meeting. Motion was unanimously approved.
A motion was made by Dale Irish and seconded by Larry Johnson to wait until after the upcoming city counsel meeting with Attorney Paul Cerkvenik before a Job Description for Executive Director of the Economic Development Authority be adopted. Motion carried.
It was decided that Larry Johnson and Dale Irish form a subcommittee for the purpose of reviewing possible job descriptions for Executive Director and that they come to the next meeting with a recommendation.
A motion was made by Allen Nelson and supported by Tony Zupancich to deny any JOBZ benefits to Precision Testing. A discussion followed. Tony Zupancich withdrew his support of the motion. Dale Irish seconded the motion. The motion failed with
Nelson, Jacobsen, Zupancich voting against. Johnson and Irish voting for.
A motion was made by Mary Jacobsen and seconded by Tony Zupancich to offer Precision Testing whatever benefits they are qualified for under the state program with the exception of real estate tax breaks. The motion was passed with Jacobsen, Zupancich, Nelson and Johnson voting for. Irish voted against.
A motion was made by Dale Irish and seconded by Tony Zupancich to approve the bills to be paid except the bill to Fryberger and Buchanen law firm until an itemized statement is received. Motion passed with Allen Nelson voting against.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mary Jacobsen and seconded by Tony Zupancich.
Passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Mary Jacobsen, Secretary