The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes for January 18, 2006

Regular Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2006

A meeting of the Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority was called to order by President Tony Zupancich at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Allen Nelson, Andrea Wilson, Bob Voss, Barb Fivecoate, Dale Irish, and Mary Jacobsen. Also present was Executive Director, Craig J. Wainio.

Representatives from P and H MinePro presented their preliminary estimate from Benchmark Engineering for site development/design on the Brunt Mine Dump Site.

The site prep/foundation work was estimated between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000, which is the amount they are asking the city to contribute to the project. A discussion followed. The project should include 100 jobs within 5 years, with 25 of those jobs being new hires. The building to be constructed is approx. 96,000 square feet with a county market value of approx. $3,000,000. 

A motion was made by Allen Nelson and supported by Barb Fivecoate to direct Craig Wainio to obtain more precise numbers on the maximum amount of T.I.F. which could be offered on the project and then to call a special meeting of the E.D.A. so that a decision could be made prior to the P and H board meeting in February. Motion carried unanimously. 

Gary Cerkvenik, representing Mountain Timber Properties, explained the proposed Amendment to the Development Agreement/Resolution No. 01-06 requesting an extension on the closing date with the city lands to Mountain Timber to February 28, 2006, due to a delay in construction of an abstract and obtaining a title opinion. 

A motion was made by Mary Jacobsen and supported by Barb Fivecoate to accept the Amendment to the Development Agreement/Resolution No 01-06 extending the closing date as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

A discussion regarding marketing ideas for the city of Mountain Iron was held. Gary Cerkvenik presented some basic concepts on economic development and suggested that a workshop be held with the City Counsel, EDA and Planning and Zoning to review and possibly amend the cities Comprehensive Plan on Economic Development. A workshop will be scheduled with the 3 entities with Gary Cerkvenik and Craig Wainio organizing and moderating. 

A motion was made by Barb Fivecoate and supported by Dale Irish to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2005 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Allen Nelson and supported by Barb Fivecoate to approve payment of all bills as presented. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

A motion was made by Barb Fivecoate and supported by Tony Zupancich to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously. 

President, Tony Zupancich, adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m.

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